madman101 Aug 31, 2022 02:36
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economists - streeck wolfgang streeck, economics - chaos theory, countries - germany, economics - inflation, centre / periphery, chaos theory - economics, economics - imperialism
madman101 Sep 04, 2015 23:27
glubb - john bagot, economics - imperialism, books - 'fate of empires & search for..., economists, music - who, economics - cycles, +
madman101 Sep 03, 2015 12:37
bb - corporate personhood, ships, occupy / o_c_c_u_p_y, presidents - trump donald trump, history - golden hind, history - corporations, history - american colonies, -posted to monopologic, rifkin - jeremy, hartmann - thom, history - 1600, economics - imperialism, history - imperialism, bb - corporations are not people